The Affordable Care Act is a health insurance reform law designed to provide uninsured individuals access to insurance. While there are many requirements for employers to manage in the law, the long-term outlook is not truly understood. With this in mind, we are providing links to other valuable information resources to assist you in researching items of interest. It would NOT be an overstatement to say that PPACA will have the single biggest impact on US businesses outside of the economy.
- Affordable Care Act Timeline - NAHU (5mb) - The National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) has produced this very useful guide on implementation events and timing.
- International Foundation of Employee Benefits (IFEBP) Reform Central - IFEBP is a leading industry resource for HR professionals seeking up to date Reform informational.
- Urban Institute Health Care Reform Article - This is a good, yet abbreviated article about PPACA and the relevent components.
- US Chamber of Commerce Assessment of PPACA - This is one of the best comprehensive articles on PPACA, and it also includes an economists perspective on the business impact of PPACA.
- Financial Penalty Flow Chart by Kaiser Family Foundation - This is a simple flow chart designed to help employers identify if they will most likely have to pay a penalty.
- Kaiser Family Foundation Reform Resources
- Complete PPACA Bill - Health Care Reform bill, read it for yourself (2.2mb)
- BLR HR Network - Sponsored by Strateben - BLR is a leading provider of HR compliance content that STRATeBEN makes available to its clients.